CEN-CE Learning Management System
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- CEN-CE scheme's Learning Management System
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Dostupni e-kolegiji

EN ISO 52000-1 (overarching EPB standard) / (CEN) ISO/TR 52000-2 (technical report): Energy performance of buildings — Overarching EPB assessment — Part 1: General framework and procedures
This course is addressed to both installers and designers. It's assumed that CEN-CE Certified Trainer candidates posses prior knowledge on this topic at the following European Qualifications Framework (EQF) equivalent:
- installers (EQF level 4)
- designers (EQF levels 5 and 6)
- Training operator trainer (TOT): Laurent Socal
- Training operator administrator (TOA): Gabriela Adriana Ana
- Training operator administrator (TOA): Andrei Vladimir Litiu

This course is addressed to both installers and designers. It's assumed that CEN-CE Certified Trainer candidates posses prior knowledge on this topic at the following European Qualifications Framework (EQF) equivalent:
- installers (EQF level 4)
- designers (EQF levels 5 and 6)
- Training operator trainer (TOT): Laurent Socal
- Training operator administrator (TOA): Gabriela Adriana Ana
- Training operator administrator (TOA): Andrei Vladimir Litiu

This course is addressed to both installers and designers. It's assumed that CEN-CE Certified Trainer candidates posses prior knowledge on this topic at the following European Qualifications Framework (EQF) equivalent:
- installers (EQF level 4)
- designers (EQF levels 5 and 6)
- Training operator trainer (TOT): Laurent Socal
- Training operator administrator (TOA): Gabriela Adriana Ana
- Training operator administrator (TOA): Andrei Vladimir Litiu

EN 15316–2 (heat. & cool., emiss.systems) / CEN/TR 15316-6-2 (technical report): Energy performance of buildings – Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies – Part 2: Space emission systems (heating and cooling), Module M3–5, M4–5
This course is addressed to both installers and designers. It's assumed that CEN-CE Certified Trainer candidates posses prior knowledge on this topic at the following European Qualifications Framework (EQF) equivalent:
- installers (EQF level 4)
- designers (EQF levels 5 and 6)
- Training operator trainer (TOT): Damir Dovic
- Training operator administrator (TOA): Gabriela Adriana Ana
- Training operator administrator (TOA): Andrei Vladimir Litiu

EN 15316–3 (heat., DHW & cool., distr. systems) / CEN/TR 15316-6-3 (technical report): Energy performance of buildings – Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies – Part 3: Space distribution systems (DHW, heating and cooling), Module M3–6, M4–6, M8–6
This course is addressed to both installers and designers. It's assumed that CEN-CE Certified Trainer candidates posses prior knowledge on this topic at the following European Qualifications Framework (EQF) equivalent:
- installers (EQF level 4)
- designers (EQF levels 5 and 6)
- Training operator trainer (TOT): Damir Dovic
- Training operator administrator (TOA): Gabriela Adriana Ana
- Training operator administrator (TOA): Andrei Vladimir Litiu

EN 15378-3 (measured en. performance) / TR 15378-4: Energy performance of buildings –Heating and DHW systems in buildings – Part 3: Measured energy performance, Module M3–10 and M8–10;
In this course you will learn the fundamentals of EN 15378-3 which provides a standardized procedure to measure energy performance for heating and domestic hot water. This course is not limited to the procedure given in the standard but extends to potential applications such as generator sizing, comparison between calculated and measured energy performance, operation monitoring, hourly data presentation. At the end of the course, you should be able to use this procedure to measure energy performance, analyze it, compare with design data, check generator sizing and display hourly data.
This course is addressed to both installers and designers. It's assumed that trainees posses prior knowledge on this topic at the following European Qualifications Framework (EQF) equivalent:
- installers (EQF level 4)
- designers (EQF levels 5 and 6)
- Training operator trainer (TOT): Laurent Socal
- Training operator administrator (TOA): Andrei Vladimir Litiu

EN 15316-4-2 (heat. & DHW generation, heat pump systems) / TR 15316-6-5: Energy performance of buildings – Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies – Part 4–2: Space heating generation systems, heat pump systems, Module M3–8-2, M8–8-2;
In this course you will learn the fundamentals of EN 15316-4-2 standard about the operation and efficiency calculation of a heat pump system depending on its type of operation control. At the end of the course, the student/trainee will have a basic understanding of the use of the standard and be able to apply it in energy input and COP calculation of heat pump systems used for heating and domestic hot water generation in different types of buildings.
This course is addressed to designers. It's assumed that trainees posses prior knowledge on this topic at the following European Qualifications Framework (EQF) equivalent:
- designers (EQF levels 5 and 6)
- Training operator trainer (TOT): Iva Bertovic
- Training operator trainer (TOT): Vladimir Soldo
- Training operator administrator (TOA): Andrei Vladimir Litiu

EN 15316-4-3 (heat production, solar thermal and photovoltaic systems) / TR 15316-6-6 :Energy performance of buildings. Method of calculating system energy requirements and system efficiency. Part 4 3: Heat generation systems, thermal solar and photovoltaic systems (Modules M3-8-3, M8-8-3, M11-8-3)
In this course, basic parts of EN 15316-4-3, which provides a method for calculating the energy requirements and the effectiveness of the heat production for solar thermal systems (heating, hot water, or both) in buildings.
EN 15316-4-3 is part of a series of standards containing a methodology for calculating the energy requirements and efficiencies of heating and hot water systems. This standard calculates the efficiency of a heat source based on operating conditions and product test data in accordance with Ecodesign requirements. In addition, the standard contains default values for product efficiencies depending on the product type.
The course is intended for designers, professionals qualified for energy certification of buildings, or energy auditors, but also a wider range of experts interested in this topic.
Participants are expected to have prior knowledge of the subject at European Qualifications Framework (EQF) level:
EQF levels 5 and 6 - designer, engineer, architect.
- Školiteľ kurzu (TOT): Michal Krajčík
- Training operator administrator (TOA): Jana Bendžalová
- Training operator administrator (TOA): Andrei Vladimir Litiu

EN 15316-5 (akumulačné systémy vykurovania a prípravy teplej vody) / TR 15316-6-10: Energetická hospodárnosť budov. Metóda výpočtu energetických požiadaviek systému a efektívnosti systému. Časť 5: Akumulačné systémy vykurovania a prípravy teplej vody (bez chladenia), (Moduly M3-7, M8-7)
V tomto kurze sa naučíte základy normy EN 15316-5 (akumulačné systémy vykurovania a prípravy teplej vody).
EN 15316-5 je súčasťou série noriem obsahujúcich
metodiku výpočtu energetických požiadaviek systému a účinnosti systémov
vykurovania a systémov prípravy teplej vody. Táto norma slúži na výpočet tepelných
strát podsystému akumulácie na základe určených prevádzkových podmienok a
údajov získaných skúšaním podľa EcoDesignu.
Norma obsahuje aj predvolené informácie a údaje o výrobkoch, ktoré sa uvádzajú podľa typu akumulácie; poskytuje dve výpočtové metódy – pre kombináciu so solárnym tepelným systémom a pre ostatné prípady.
Kurz je
určený pre projektantov, odborne spôsobilé osoby pre energetickú certifikáciu
budov, či energetických audítorov, ale aj širší okruh odborníkov so záujmom
o túto tému.
Predpokladá sa, že účastníci majú predchádzajúce vedomosti o tejto téme na úrovni Európskeho kvalifikačného rámca (EQF):
úrovne EQF 5 a 6 - projektant, inžinier, architekt.
- Školiteľ kurzu (TOT): Jan Magyar
- Training operator administrator (TOA): Jana Bendžalová
- Training operator administrator (TOA): Andrei Vladimir Litiu